It’s a boy!

Dec 4, 2006 by Jared Smith

The doctor confirms that we’re having a boy. She said it is indeed human, though I’m not totally convinced by the pictures. Due date is April 26th. This means that the name Roberta Waynita is definitely out.

A very flexible boy
He’s very flexible. He’s playing with his foot, which is pulled up right by his face.

Kung Fu fighting!
Doing his best Karate Kid impression.

I’d post the money shot, but I’m pretty sure it would qualify as child pornography. But it’s DEFINITELY a boy.

  1. One Response to “It’s a boy!”


    Got a ways to go till you match me but WOOHOO.
    And girls hugs are the best, but boys make more sence…

    By Chuck on Dec 13, 2006

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