Coulam’s Moose Hunt

Sep 19, 2009 by Jared Smith

I had the great privilege of helping the Coulam’s get this fantastic bull moose off the mountain. Jon drew the Cache moose tag and since then, they’ve all been scouting. They finally decided on this great bull on Wednesday. He’s not the biggest bull in the state, but he’s about as good as they get on the Cache unit.

Here’s video of the hunt, including the first shot at just 10 yards!!! There’s also some cool slo-mo video at the end that you need to check out. Pretty cool!

The first shot slammed through the upper shoulder and through both lungs, but he stayed on his feet for another several minutes and 50 yards before being dropped. He was a 3.5 mile hike in on a big, nasty hill. I got the call at 6pm and by the time we all got together, it was 3am before we had completed the hike in to the bull. Four of us packed all of the meat out in one trip and made it back to the trailhead by 8am. A LONG night, but an incredible experience.

Congrats to Jon and his boys on a great hunt and a fantastic bull! These guys helped me get my elk off the mountain last year, so it’s nice to have finally repaid the debt.

Halloween Costume Test Drive Fail

Sep 3, 2009 by Jared Smith

Elk Mount

Aug 15, 2009 by Jared Smith

Apparently my recent posts about David Archuleta and ‘pretty’ satellites have scored quite low on the manliness scale, so here’s something that should more than account for this. I got my elk mount back yesterday. The first word out of everyone’s mouth so far has been, “WOW!” It is massive! Kyle Taylor of Rocky Mountain Treasures in Menan, Idaho did an excellent job on the taxidermy work.

The problem has been deciding on a place to put it. Our place is not what you’d call spacious and putting the front 1/3 of a 1,000 pound elk that is 6 feet tall, 4 feet wide, and protrudes from the wall over 4 feet into our house isn’t an easy task. It wouldn’t come close to going down the stairs, so we opted for a place in the front room… for now. I’m pretty sure Mary is mortified of it, but she’s very supportive about putting it “wherever”.