Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Yellowstone and stuff

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

We had a fun trip through Yellowstone last week. It was well below freezing at night, but we still camped out - though I'm not quite sure why. We drove from Cache Valley to Montpelier to Star Valley, through Jackson, and then to Old Faithful. Old Faithful sure gets less ...

June 2007 Photos

Sunday, June 17th, 2007

Some of these are way overdue because as usual, life is crazy. Bryan is growing and changing so fast. He's no longer the slightly animated lump of flesh that babies are when they're born and is now beginning to interact and laugh and smile. Babies change so fast, they seem ...

Bryan – 3 weeks old

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

Having two kids is about 10 times harder than having one. Things are awesome and we are so blessed - just not so much in the sleep department lately. We've been keeping very busy. I'm working on finishing the basement while taking paternity leave and Mary is plenty busy keeping ...