Archive for the ‘Astrophotography’ Category

Venus Occultation

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Winter must be over, because I got my first astrophotography session of the season. Early this morning, Venus passed behind the moon. The animation below shows 10 minutes of movement until Venus and the crescent moon 'touch' (called an "occultation" in geek-speak). Many more photos in my astrophotography gallery.

Jupiter… and friend

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Last night, in preparation for tonight's astrophotography presentation, I set up the telescope for the first time in... well, way too long. The Perseid meteor show is peaking and I saw around 30 bright meteors. When I turned the telescope to Jupiter, I noticed the Great Red Spot moving across ...

Southeastern Sky

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

I photographed two very cool, yet very different things in my southeastern sky this week. The first is a double rainbow from a very mean, fast approaching storm. The brightest rainbow is caused by the sunlight from the setting sun reflecting off rain drops. The second, double arc is caused ...